Women In Media

The Women In Media Holiday Toast fundraiser has become synonymous with inspiration, community, and kicking off the festive season. This year, we will be at the glamorous Hotel Sofitel in Beverly Hills. We will be recognizing truly legendary women who are making a mark in the entertainment industry. These distinguished filmmakers are paving the way for greater female participation behind the scenes.

This event is open to men, women, and all genders. Friends, members, and luminaries of the entertainment world are encouraged to join us in honoring these exemplary women, as their colleagues share stories of their professionalism, artistry, and craft. We will be celebrating these phenomenal women as they share their wisdom, leadership, and experience on a special panel. Get there early to enjoy the champagne bar and prance the red carpet. In addition, VIP Premiere ticket holders will receive a commemorative Holiday Toast 2023 champagne glass to raise to our honorees and take home.

Dress code is fierce and fabulous!