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Chat with Kaja Fehr, ACE, Over Lunch!

Marino Ristorante 6001 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles

Prizzi's Honor, Tough Guys, American Horror Story, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Desperate Housewives, Prison Break, Ally McBeal, Pretty Little Liars

Just a few of the many high profile scripted television series, shows and motion pictures edited by Oscar Nominee Kaja Fehr, ACE! If you are an ACE member with an appetite for editorial history and good food, the ACE Connect Committee invites you to sign up for our Connect with Life Members Luncheon!

This will be the Connect Committee’s final luncheon in 2023, but don’t fret, the Connect Committee will continue to host quarterly lunches in 2024. Four lucky ACE Members will have the opportunity to sit down with one of our esteemed Life Members for a casual conversation and deep dive into their fascinating careers. Each lunch is limited to a small group to create an intimate discussion.

**ACE Members, please check your email for more contact information.**